
The Shift towards Reusable Packaging: Policies and Best Practice

The European Association of Beverage Wholesalers (Cegrobb), Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe), Private Breweries Germany (Private Brauereien Deutschland) and Reloop are pleased invite to the 7th European ReUse Conference “The shift towards reusable packaging: policies and best practice” in Brussels on September 24th, 2019 – Renaissance Hotel.

If the global plastics production continues growing at current rates, it will be responsible for 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in 2050. Only a true circular economy that promotes reuse systems can put an end to the mass consumption of single-use plastic products. In the light of an ambitious transposition of the Single-Use Plastics Directive in the member states, reuse systems gain even greater importance.

The 7th ReUse Conference will raise awareness of the ecological, economic and social advantages of refillable beverage and transport packaging, identify and award best practice approaches as well as address barriers that are hindering and policies that promote reuse.

We would like to invite you to discuss the potential of reuse packaging systems with our expert speakers and participants from the related industries (manufacturers, system providers, retailers, associations), civil society, research institutes as well as members from the European institutions and member states.

Register for the ReUse Conference by September 18th: via e-mail to or fax to +49 30 2400867-19. Participation at the conference is free of charge.

Source: Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe)




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