
Recycling of used drives/electronic cards – EPC launches “Golden Ticket” operation

From July 9 to September 21, EPC is launching a “Golden Ticket” operation to promote its Repair & Recycling Center, which repairs and recycles used drives and electronic cards.

This repair and recycling center gives a new life to the components and thus prevents parts from being thrown away when repaired and return to the market are possible. It’s cheaper and green! During this two-month period, „Golden tickets“ are randomly inserted into spare parts orders. The field supervisors who then return these tickets with electronic cards to be repaired will receive a gift for their team.

How does parts recycling work?

Source: EPC

When a card or drive is replaced on a device, the field supervisor sends the old component back to the EPC Repair & Recycling Center. Then there are two possibilities. If the part can be repaired, it is repaired and then put back on sale on Liftmall, 30 per cent cheaper than a new part and with an identical one year warranty. This has the advantage of putting back into the circuit electronic products that are no longer available on the new market. If the part is not repairable, EPC keeps the critical components that will be used to repair future cards.

Beyond the ecological and responsible aspect of the approach, this activity is beneficial for everyone. EPC can put back on the market parts that are no longer available on the new parts market, foremen get purchase credits when they send repairable parts back to EPC, they can find products repaired at a lower price and with a warranty identical to a new part, which contributes to reducing maintenance costs.

Know more about EPC!

Source: EPC

Otis EPC is the European spare parts center, one of the pillars of Otis maintenance. This center ships 1,300 boxes of multi-brand elevator and escalator spare parts from Roissy CDG every day throughout the world. The delivery of these spare parts must be faultless. Indeed, any delay on spare parts can have significant collateral damage: this can paralyze a patient elevator in a hospital, an escalator in a department store or the production of an elevator.

To provide this excellent service, a logistics organization equipped with high-tech resources is operational:

  • Strong Purchasing and sourcing management providing a database of 240,000 references, 28,000 of which are available in stock.
  • Efficiency of the processes of receiving, storing and preparing orders supported by Wifi and Bluetooth technologies.
  • Strong shipment management in partnership with world leaders in the transport market and through computer interfaces allowing constant traceability of packages.

“It is a nice initiative to extend our components lifetime, avoid using new components when it is not necessary and reduce our carbon footprint. A must use facilities for all EMEA countries and all supervisors,” says Thibault Lefebure, Service Executive director. A win win operation!

More Information

Source: EPC




Fachmagazin EU-Recycling
