
Ricardo and Suez publish toolkit to drive value via waste service procurement

A new toolkit produced by Ricardo and sponsored by waste and recycling specialist Suez, provides UK local authorities a blueprint for creating waste service procurement strategies that drive contractors to deliver high performance, innovation and value for residents.

The toolkit provides step-by-step advice to help local authorities make the right decisions about when to go to market, what services to package and what processes and requirements might limit the competition for contracts. It aims to help local authority officers to develop procurement processes that encourage contractors to improve service efficiencies, maintain quality and reliability and drive value for money for residents.

“Delivering a waste service and infrastructure project can be challenging for a local authority, especially when faced with limited funding,” said Dr Adam Read, director of external affairs at Suez. “There are also many urban myths surrounding contractor interest in upcoming tenders and the ability of the market to offer innovation, flexibility and value for money that need addressing. That’s why we sponsored Ricardo to draft this toolkit which we hope will empower local authorities to build competitive markets for waste services through procurement and contract suppliers who increase efficiency and reduce expenditure.”

Covers each point in the procurement cycle

Local authorities continue to operate under intense pressure to reduce costs and improve performance. As waste contractors are more favourable to low risk opportunities and are selective about which bids they tender, procuring high performance services can be complex a process. The toolkit, developed in collaboration with local authority officers across the UK, covers each point in the procurement cycle: from collating the information that will assist bidders in providing quality tenders through to developing effective contract management systems to deliver high-quality services.

“Procurement provides an opportunity for local authorities to create contracts that drive and reward innovation and efficiency for residents,” said Sarahjane Widdowson, business area manager for waste at Ricardo. “I hope that local authorities find the resources a valuable tool with which to develop procurement strategies that deliver the greatest value for their residents.”

Ricardo’s waste team supports local governments, businesses and international agencies to develop procurement process that leverage technologies, processes and services to improve contractor performance and reduce costs. This team is offering an hour of free consultancy advice to support with procurement enquiries at the RWM exhibition at the NEC, Birmingham, on 12-13 September. Ricardo and Suez will also host a joint workshop on commercialisation and contracting at the LARAC conference at the East Midlands Conference Centre on 10-11 October.

Source: Ricardo




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