
Ecomondo & Key Energy 2021 – focus on green challenges in Africa & Europe

African embassies and companies, associations and buyers from Europe and Africa have confirmed their interest, an enrichment of know-how and tangible business opportunities.

A driving force for environmental business and an ecological transition accelerator: four days of business and know-how exchange with top experts from the European Commission, innovators, international and national authorities, the world of science and university, decision makers and investors. All gathered from 26th to 29th October, at Rimini Expo Centre in Italy, for Ecomondo (24th edition) and Key Energy (14th edition). “These two shows of ours,” explained Corrado Peraboni, CEO of IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, “are green economy and renewable energy leaders in the Euro Mediterranean basin. They present products and compare projects for the global green challenges that every country has been called upon to resolve, particularly those on the African and European continent.”

As IEG’s Green & Technology group exhibition manager, Alessandra Astolfi, adds: “The African embassies of Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Ruanda and Kenya, to name but a few, will be represented at the trade shows, as well as companies, associations and buyers from the aforementioned countries and from Europe, to further their know-how, develop networking and finalize business agreements.”

The 2021 edition of Ecomondo and Key Energy will ignite an authentic debate and business platform, further enriched by one-to-one meetings that buyers and companies will be able to organize even prior to the event.

Source: IEG – Italian Exhibition Group




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