With one event in every six co-participated by the European Commission or with its executive guests, 94 conferences will be spread over the four days of Italian Exhibition Group’s Circular Economy Show to be held at Rimini Expo Centre from 8th to 11th November in conjunction with Key Energy, the event dedicated to renewable energies.
And of these events, 15 are sponsored by the European Commission through its operating agencies, such as the European Research Executive Agency (REA), European Mission A Soil Deal for Europe or CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency).
The list of topics is as follows. For water management and valorisation: “Digitalization and cyber-physical systems for water-smart cities and industries: demos and showcase”, Tuesday 8th from 10 am in the Global Water Expo Room, hall D1, organised by Ecomondo’s Technical-Scientific Committee, Digital Water 2020 Synergy Group and ICT 4 WATER, Water Europe, European Commission, Università Politecnica delle Marche. “Zero Polluted and Circular Water“, Wednesday 9th from 2 pm in the Global Water Expo Room, hall D1, organised by Ecomondo’s Technical-Scientific Committee, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Legambiente, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Utilitalia. For the Blue Economy section, the Commission will take part in “Commit to the Mission Charter to contribute to a healthy “pollution free” MED”, Wednesday 9th from 2 pm in Diotallevi Room 2, South Hall, organised by CTS Ecomondo, BlueMed GSOs, Federchimica-PlasticsEurope Italia, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), CNR (National Research Council).
Research and innovation
Wednesday 9th. “Green Assist – The new advisory initiative to make your investments greener”, 9.30 – 10.45 am, Ravezzi Room 1, South Hall, organised by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and “Cluster meeting: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy”, from 2 pm in Ravezzi Room 1, South Hall, organised by the European Research Executive Agency (REA).
“Transition towards carbon neutrality”, Wednesday 9th from 10 am in Diotallevi Room 2, South Hall, organized by Ecomondo’s TSC with the BNCT working party, OECD. “Pitch session with EU funded projects with sustainable solutions”, again on Wednesday from 3.30 pm in Mimosa Room, Hall B6, organized by Ecomondo’s and Key Energy’s TSCs together with the European Commission. “EU funding for green projects – a world of possibilities”, Thursday 10th at 2 pm in the Innovation Arena – South Hall, organized by Ecomondo’s and Key Energy’s TSCs and the European Commission. Lastly, on Friday 11th, “Innovative experiences of Circular economy and Blue Growth in the Western Balkans”, from 2 to 6.15 pm in Diotallevi Room 2, South Hall, organized by Ecomondo’s TSC with Interreg ADRION Programme and APRE (European Research Promotion Agency).
Funding, training and communication
“Blue skills and careers for the European Green Deal”, Wednesday 9th from 11.15 am in Ravezzi Room 1 South Hall, organized by Ecomondo’s TSC, the Ministry of Education and the European Commission.
Sustainable land reclamation and regeneration of contaminated sites
On Thursday 10th, “States General for Soil Health – International Session” at 10 am in Diotallevi Room 2, South Hall and the national session from 2.30 to 5.30 pm, organised by Ecomondo’s TSC and the European Mission A Soil Deal for Europe, Re Soil Foundation.
Agri-food, forests and bio-based industry
“Farm to Fork 2.0: regenerative agro-food supply chains, food security, economic competitiveness”, Thursday 10th from 10 am in Ravezzi Room 1, South Hall, organised by Ecomondo’s Technical Scientific Committee, Federalimentare, Confagricoltura and ENEA (National agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development.)
Circular economy and value chains
“Textile waste prevention and circular textiles: the role of cities and regions and the potential of regional policies”, Wednesday 9th from 4 pm, Diotallevi Room 1, South Hall. And then “NRRP in the Construction sector: State of the Art, Critical Issues and Opportunities”, Thursday 10th from 10 am, Mimosa Room, Hall B6, organised by Ecomondo’s and Key Energy’s TSCs and Green Building Council Italia.
Appointment with “SwitchMed Connect”
On 9th and 10th November, Ecomondo will also be hosting “SwitchMed Connect”, a biennial event funded by the European Union that promotes circular economy approaches in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia , which, for the first time, will be in Italy with the main start-ups, entrepreneurs, sector operators, political and financial institutions with the aim of promoting and accelerating the transition to sustainable environmental and social innovation and production models in the Southern Mediterranean.
The international panel
Other international and national panels include those dealing with the positive impact of NRRP funds on the integrated water system, urban waste management or the agro-ecological transition. The first studies on the national plastics strategy launched by the Government last June. The financial tools for really investing in green systems, steering clear of greenwashing. Circularity in the demolition, construction and automotive industries. The 24th National Conference on composting. The regeneration of coastlines and ports. The European strategy for textile waste and new business models at fashion houses. The current situation of critical raw materials, such as rubber, for the Italian economy. The centrality of WEEE recycling and the impact of packaging.
The full programme can be found here.
Source: Italian Exhibition Group