
7th European ReUse Conference to further push reuse systems in Europe

7th European ReUse Conference takes place September 24th in Brussels – Discussions on policies and best practice to shift towards more reusable packaging in Europe – Keynotes by high-level representatives from the EU Commission, EU Parliament and Council of the EU–Awards for best practice cases in Europe.

The European Union has decided to ban single-use plastic items like cutlery and straws from 2021 onwards. Up to 500,000 tons of European plastic waste end up in our oceans each year, severely damaging our ecosystems. If the global plastic production continues growing at current rates, it will be responsible for 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in 2050.

To tackle these challenges, Europe needs a transition towards a true circular economy. The “European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy” is an essential step towards this transition. The strengthening of reuse systems is one of the crucial pillars when it comes to waste prevention. In the light of an ambitious transposition of the Single-Use Plastics Directive in the member states, reuse systems gain even greater importance.

Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe), The European Association of Beverage Wholesalers (Cegrobb), Private Breweries Germany (Private Brauereien Deutschland) and Reloop are thus pleased to invite you to the 7th European REUSE Conference “The shift towards reusable packaging: policies and best practice”. We are going to examine how reuse systems can be successfully implemented and discuss policies that can further push reusable packaging in Europe with political and business experts. We would like to invite you to discuss these topics with our expert speakers and participants from the related industries (manufacturers, system providers, retailers), civil society, research institutes as well as members from the European institutions and member states. Interviews with representatives of the host organisations can take place after 16h30.


  • Key notes by high-level representatives from the EU Commission, the EU Parliament and the Council of the EU, e.g. Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General, DG Environment
  • Topics: Status quo and challenges of reusable beverage and transport packaging systems in Europe, Understanding the system conditions for effective reusable packaging pooling, Success stories from reuse systems all over Europe and beyond
  • Presentations by: Clarissa Morawski (Reloop), Barbara Metz (Environmental Action Germany), Christoph Jäckle (Euroglas Verpackungsgesellschaft mbH), Jules Bailey (Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative), Dr Kurt Jäger (Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg), Christian Behmel (SuperDrecksKëscht)
  • Panel discussions: “Binding targets for reusable packaging” with Roland Demleitner (Private Breweries Germany), Joan-Marc Simon (Zero Waste Europe), Henning Wilts (Wuppertal Institute), Thomas Fischer (Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.), and others. “How to promote reuse systems in Europe – policies and economic instruments” with Eusebio Martinez de la Casa (Recircula), Patricia Megale Coelho (Utrecht University), Justine Maillot (Rethink Plastic Alliance) and Tobias Bielenstein (Arbeitskreis Mehrweg GbR).
  • Reusable and refillable awards for best practice cases in Europe

You may register for the ReUse Conference via e-mail to Participation at the conference is free of charge. The conference is supported by: Tomra and Sinalco

Date: 24th September 2019, 9h30-16h30

Place: Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Bruxelles

On-site contact: Elena Schägg, Environmental Action Germany, +49 151-20501803

Source: Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe)




Fachmagazin EU-Recycling
