Ennomotive, a leading open innovation platform for engineering challenges, just launched a competition to find new applications for “post soda-lime”, such as marketable solutions or products.
Despite its high efficiency and effectiveness, Solvay soda production is burdened with large amounts of waste and by-products from the process, which account for approximately 40 per cent of the soda ash production volume. Post-soda lime, waste originated in soda production, is obtained by separating the solid phase present in the distillation fluid.
Ciech, a leading European soda manufacturer, is seeking for new applications for “post-soda lime” such as new marketable solutions or products (other than calcium fertilizers for agriculture). This online competition is open worldwide to any professional, student or Academia from different industries and technical backgrounds that want to propose a solution for this challenge. Ennomotive offers 20,000 Euro in prizes to be shared among the best ideas for this competition. Interested participants should sign up at www.ennomotive.com and submit their solution before August 12th.
Source: Ennomotive