
Taking stock: is demand making inroads into available supply?

BIR eForum, Textiles Division, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 (15:00-16:30 CEST)

Markets for used textiles have been slowly recovering from the profound disruption caused by lockdowns earlier in the year which brought processing stoppages and the closure of many retail outlets, with the result that retail revenues tumbled to between 40 and 80 per cent of the norm, depending on the region. Fast forward to today and prices for textiles recyclers remain typically some 30 per cent below pre-Covid levels whereas inventories are three times higher than normal for this time of year because demand is insufficient to drive them lower. At the BIR Textiles Division’s eForum in June, a warning was issued that stocks might not return to normal for at least 18 to 24 months. Is this still the likely scenario?

This and other important questions will be answered during the the divisional webinar on 14 October 2020. After giving an update on the general market situation, divisional President Martin Böschen will pass the floor to Emmanuel Katrakis, Secretary General of EuRIC, who will provide insights into the regulatory development in the EU. His presentation will be followed by an update on the technological developments of fibre recycling by Hilde van Dujn, Senior Project Manager Circle Textiles at Netherlands-based Circle Economy. A subsequent panel discussion on market developments during and after Covid-19’s first major wave will bring together experts from collection and sorting companies for a frank and topical exchange.

Programme and Ticket Booking

Source: Bureau of International Recycling (BIR)




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