Over 80 live talk events on the calendars of Ecomondo and Key Energy 2020, being held from 3rd to 6th November at Rimini expo centre. Italian Exhibition Group increases exploitation of the contents and market opportunities for the circular economy and renewable energy sources, with a digital platform for following the events and generating business for exhibitors. The two expos go hybrid: physical and digital participation, on the route of the European Green Deal that redesigns the economy and our cities.
The meeting place is physical, but the opportunities are multiplied digitally. For the 2020 edition of Ecomondo and Key Energy, being held at Rimini expo centre from 3rd to 6th November, Italian Exhibition Group is adding to the exhibitors’ stands and the conference rooms the new feature of a digital platform on which to start, continue and conclude the knowledge and market opportunities that the two expos offer.
A hybrid edition on the route of the European Green Deal
In fact, the economic manifesto of the Commission European will trace the route of the 2020 edition of Ecomondo and Key Energy. The green turning point of the industrial system, bioeconomy, digitalization of Public Administration and services in cities, the key role of prosumers, simplification of regulations, shared mobility, sustainable innovation as a growth factor, are the backbone of the two expos. In these thematic areas, enterprise clusters, associations, think tanks, the European Commission, Italy’s Ministry for the Environment and Ministry for Economic Development are contributing with top-grade panels in the conference and talk event calendar. Confirmation has arrived from the Foundation for Sustainable Development of the 9th edition of the States General of the Green Economy at Ecomondo.
An extremely interesting new feature is the digital platform that multiplies the possibilities of meetings between supply and demand for exhibitors and visitors at both expos. The registration of users will enable not only to follow the conferences in streaming, but above all to access the area reserved for exhibitors. This true “business area” to all effects for those who are unable to reach Italy, for example due to international restrictions for protection from Covid-19, or who even under normal conditions would not have faced a long-distance journey, is also available for those who will not be able to attend the expos every day. Registration on the platform will thus give the possibility to those able to attend just one of the expo days to book slots with exhibitors to start, continue or conclude the market opportunities to be found at Ecomondo and Key Energy 2020.
“The new digital platform that Ecomondo and Key Energy are putting at exhibitors’ and visitors’ disposal”, stated Alessandra Astolfi, Group Brand Manager Green and Technology Division of Italian Exhibition Group, “is an environment that enable to extend the physical experience of the expo, leading towards a new hybrid format that will make the expos decidedly ’data-driven’ to facilitate interest and opportunities. For example the extension of the matchmaking services based on artificial intelligence, with the aim of creating an important agenda, with a particular accent on international clientele. Lastly, this platform will enable individual exhibitors to monitor interaction and return on investments. Information definitely of value for business growth.”
With the #Safebusiness protocol and GBAC Star accreditation as far as the risk reduction and the safety of exhibitors and visitors are concerned, plus the extension of the Expo centre’s opening hours from 9 am to 6 pm, IEG intends strengthening the community in question. Among the sector’s expo, Ecomondo and Key Energy are the first to be held with physical attendees.
Source: Italian Exhibition Group